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Training on Aviation Ground Operations Management
According to the aviation forecasts carried out by ICAO, IATA, the National Civil Aviation Authorities, Boeing, Airbus & CAPA, substantial growth rates for aviation in the ASEAN region is expected during the next decade. This will have a trickledown effect to the ground handling sector and the ability to cope with this growth will be critical. During the 7th Asian Ground Handling International Conference held in Bangkok in March 2014, inadequate skill of managerial personnel and staff was highlighted. Further, the need for professional training according to ICAO and IATA standards is essential.
Therefore, the current & future managers and supervisors of the industry need to be change agents whose leadership will not only motivate but also improve and maintain high quality service, safety & security. They will need to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge of how ground operations fits into global aviation arena in order to propel themselves forward.